Friday, December 17, 2010

Week 28

Hello Third Trimester!
I’m so happy to have made it here. Even though I’m more and more uncomfortable all the time. I think it’s kind of funny - I try to stay amused as much as possible. For instance - I was lying in bed the other morning, contemplating turning over. In the past I would start with my head, then get my shoulders into place, then spin the rest of my body around to the desired position. This took a few seconds to do. Now if I want to turn over, well, it’s lots of slow, careful, little movements accompanied by grunting and heavy breathing. It never occurred to me that getting up from a low, modern bed would prove to be a serious challenge. But I do it, every day. I also navigate our ridiculously narrow & steep stairs in the wee hours every night to visit the restroom. That was something that worried me from the start, but here I am, doing just that. No problem.

Other discomforts: I have to quit wearing my wedding ring due to bloaty-ness. Also, I have a curious, tingly sensation near the bottom of my left ribcage. It isn’t painful, just weird. I can’t slump forward in the least or it comes on tingly-strong. So it’s making my posture better. It stumped me for a couple of weeks, and when I finally asked the doc, she said it was the nerves that weave around the ribcage, which is slowly stretching to accommodate the babies. “oh, it will get worse, and won’t go away right after childbirth.” So now that I know what it is, I just deal with it.

Also at my appointment I learned that at my last ultrasound in November, the babies were measuring more than 20% different in size. It’s something we are going to have to keep an eye on. I have another u/s tomorrow morning at NW Perinatal to check the progress/status of this size difference. It seems that Chong is hogging some of the nutrients away from Cheech. Hmm. Aside from yelling at my belly for her to quit being a bully, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Doc Grant told me this was a lesson in letting go. I’m going to worry about my children for the rest of my life and I might as well get started letting go of stuff I can’t control. Easier said than done.

Friday, December 3, 2010