Friday, January 27, 2017

The month in pictures

Beach pics came from our annual holiday trip to California. Then we came home and the Great Snowfall happened, coinciding perfectly with a wallop of bronchitis that kept me down almost the entire month of January. Finally it's moved up and out of my chest, still lurking in my throat a bit. I slowly ate a whole jar of local honey. Lots of stillness and low-key playing with the kids and TONS of screen time for everyone.

Snowiest week in a decade trapped us inside

got this beauty from a shop on my street

my favorite rocks I found then chose to leave behind

amazing Kokka linen to be made into a flowy tunic

gorgeous green rocks encased in driftwood

dreamy marshmallow sky

rearranged books according to color. (snowed in)

zoodle nubbins from my spiralizer

L. and I made shrinky dink earrings, now my favorite

I kind of hate Facebook. So what to do about it...

I want there to be a website that I want to look at first every day. Well, Instagram is usually first, but I mean, something where I can see nice links to nice things and read nice stories about nice things. And cute animals. I don't want a news feed with bad news, I don't want celebrity gossip. I don't want to read posts from friends that are like "Hey, does this story about violent crime/Shitbag McPresident/Dire Global Statistics upset you, too?" It's basically the same thing as holding something gross up to someone's nose, saying "This smells bad! Don't you think it smells bad? Man, it really smells bad!"

And really, I want this blog to be that site. That nice site. Where lovely, uplifting, funny, pretty-to-look-at things are posted. People have been telling me for years to do this. I just couldn't visualize what it would be. I think I'm starting to get it. I have some work to do, though. I'm just getting started.