Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Do these twins make me look fat?

So yeah, Baby A is plain to see there, but Baby B is hiding. That's what the pink circle is for. Enormous amounts of relief and excitement abound. No really. You just can't know.

The symptoms: Smells/odors are incredibly crippling. Opened the newspaper the other day and was knocked back by ink fumes. I can smell the people/dogs that were on the elevator on the trip before me. I do not have to guess if that old cauliflower in the back of the fridge is rotten. So far, the smell of onions cooking is the worst ever. (Odd because I really like onions normally) I'm also pretty queasy, off and on, all day. All I want to eat is bread. And hamburgers. Salty things are always good and I'm really indifferent about sweets. Hmm. I also cry all the time and went for a nap in my car today.
So, everything is pretty normal.

The doc said that there is still a chance that by the next ultrasound there might only be one baby in there, that the Body Does Not Really Like Twins and might absorb one. But he also said that What We See Now is Usually What We Get. And also, baby B looks pretty insignificant in comparison but that's only because it's hiding right at the top of my uterus and is very hard to see. In any case, I totes want them both and am thinking good thoughts.

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