Thursday, February 25, 2010

Best Omelette Yet

I was reading about how to make the perfect fried egg somewhere the other day and decided to apply it to an omelette instead. It's all in the heat level and time spent.

I succeeded in making the best one yet! Here are the particulars:
• 2 eggs, beaten with a little hemp milk (makes it so creamy! and it's not sweet at all so it doesn't mess with the savory-ness)
• poured to cover the bottom of our non-stick crepe pan, but with a butter base, of course
• a handful of chopped green onion, some chopped black olives, and half a slice of mortadella

I heated the pan on medium at first, so the eggs sizzled a little when they hit the pan. Then turned it to low heat and covered it with a lid. (Mine is glass so I can still keep an eye on it) Then just wait. The eggs solidify nicely WITHOUT getting all brown and rubbery on the bottom. It folded over perfectly, looked like something in a magazine.

Topped it off with a slice of avocado. Perfect!

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