Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gorgeous Saturday starts with:

5 egg omelet (shared between 2 people!) with chopped Niman ranch bacon, sauteed mushrooms, shredded zucchini, broccoli tops, fresh chives and Italian parsley from the herb box on the porch. Cooked in olive oil this time, with fat slices of sweet red pepper and avocado on the side. I had some green salsa too, but Jesse went all out with little slices of Dave's Killer Bread "Peace Bomb" loaf with homemade peach jam and a banana. (jerk! ha ha)

I also had a mug of Rooibos tea (which is a weird, naturally decaffeinated root of some sort from Africa or something) with unsweetened hemp milk. Pretty fucking good.

Then, while we were eating, the mailman dropped the latest SUNSET magazine thru the mail drop. YAY! And of course, somehow, every coverline was speaking to me directly. Somehow I have become their demographic to a T.

I'm still kinda pissed at myself that I didn't register for that screen printing class in time. But it's from 11:00 AM til 5, and it's so pretty outside. Like, uncharacteristically so. Not a good day to be stuck inside, learning, even if it's something cool. So it's okay. I'll catch the next one, and hopefully it will be raining that day.

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