Monday, August 23, 2010

You know you're a graphic designer when

I picked up a copy of "What to Expect When You're Expecting" at Goodwill. I figured I'd save some money and still get all the info I needed. I've been avoiding this book simply because it's the one everyone reads, and I, by nature, eschew anything that everyone likes. I'm snobby that way.
So I sit down, and start leafing through. "Why is this typography so 90s?" I'm annoyed and not even really reading the material. I start to realize their data on twins seems off. And hardly any mention of IVF and donor egg issues. The more I look at the layout, the more I'm weirded out. "Gah! This seems so dated, I can't even look at it!" I flip to the front and notice the publication date. 1996. "Oh" I think. "That's kind of old. No wait - that's FOURTEEN YEARS AGO!" Time for a trip to Powell's.

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