Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 15

I’m pretty sure I felt movement today on the way to work. It’s been described as flutters, popcorn popping, butterfly wings flapping gently, or little bubbles. Mostly all I have felt so far is gas and my uterus stretching. Both of these things are painful, but not incredibly so. Gas pains, well, those are followed shortly by farts or a trip to the bathroom. The uterus stretching is more like a cramp, but not as intense. At any rate, there’s a lot going on in there, all the time, and Dr. Grant said (as have others) that I could have been feeling movement but it’s lost in the confusion of other things going on in there. So anyway - I was driving to work and I felt a little fluttery popping sensation. That made me quite happy. Books and websites all say you won’t feel anything until 17 weeks, but on the internet message boards I read, some women have felt it as soon as 13 weeks. I can only take this as a cue to begin worrying.
So as one might imagine, I was pleased.

I’ve been nesting a bit, too. Last weekend I continued emptying the contents of the room upstairs. The big transformation from Office to Nursery mostly includes Finding New Places for All My Crap. I am astounded at the sheer girth of stuff I have but don’t need. How many pairs of size 10 vintage 1960s shoes do I really need? I always think - well, what about Halloween? Right. Save EVERYTHING in the hopes that I might need that one thing that one time. Well, in truth, I have experienced the loss of some item given away, at a later date. (How could I have gotten rid of that _____ (sweater, dress, belt, Donny Osmond note paper set, etc.)? So, as long as we have a basement, and as long as folks keep producing big plastic storage boxes, I’m keeping it ALL!

Last week I decided to stop in and have a look at the curios at City Liquidators. It’s just a couple of blocks from work, and sometimes I’ll go there on a break or during my lunch, to browse the odds and ends. The office supply building is by far my favorite. You never know what you will find there.
Well - they had just gotten in about a hundred tiny childrens’ chairs from the International School. They had a few different colors - mostly unfortunate shades of teal and magenta. The best color, I thought, was the yellow, and there were only two. Perfect! They were, of course, on the bottom of the pile, and most difficult to reach. I unstacked several chairs (and made kind of a mess in the process) to carefully liberate them. I was so excited to get them home and show Jesse. The first thing he says (after cooing like a goofball, which was just the reaction I was hoping for) is that he wants to refinish them! Of course he does. After all that wrestling. If I’d have known that I would have bought the ugliest color! Well, no, I’m going to fight to keep them in their original, yellow state.

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