Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 16

Babies: I have begun talking and singing to you. It feels silly, but I’ve read that you can hear my voice now. Mostly I do this in the car, on the way to and from work. It’s an awful lot like talking to myself, but I keep my tone gentle and leave out the cuss words. I tell you both about my day and what I want to eat for dinner, and whatnot. Apparently, at this point you can not only hear my voice, but to a lesser extent - sounds from outside the womb. SO does that mean no more blasting heavy metal music in the car? I hope not. After all, you need to know who yo momma be.

I still have to wait another THREE WEEKS to see you guys again. I have lapsed into the “am I really still pregnant?” worry, which is stupid. Of course I am. Of course you are both still in there, still doing fine. I’m just impatient to feel movement. Certain, undeniable movement. (not just gas!) Yes. Three weeks until the ever-popular “anatomy scan” ultrasound done at 20 weeks. It will be so wonderful to see you both again, swimming around, kicking and flexing your sweet little bodies inside me. There is nothing as reassuring as that. And then, if you both behave and show us your “parts”, then your Dad and I can start really nailing down the names, and I can shop for gender specific clothing items. Not that I want to bathe a girl in pink and a boy in blue, mind you. I’d like to think we are far too progressive for that. But it sure will be nice to know.

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