Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 18

Definitely feeling movement! I really noticed it in the last few days. Lots of bumps and thuds and tapping. It’s so frickin cool! No seriously. I was getting worried. I finally realized it wasn’t gas. Gas does not feel like a tiny person poking you from inside. Not usually, anyway. I usually notice the movement after eating a meal. I had some ice cream last night and they were just going NUTS in there! Poor babies were high on sugar. I wonder what it would be like if I still drank coffee? Shudder to think.

Finding a comfortable position for sleeping is kind of becoming an issue. I’m not supposed to be sleeping on my back for much longer, which is sad because I’m a back sleeper. Sharing the bed with Jesse and Kuro Kitteh has always been fine, even though we only have a double. We all fit pretty well, but now that I need lots of extra pillows and my belly is growing, it’s getting to be kind of a tight squeeze. Poor kitty gets the boot a lot, in the middle of the night. She just needs to sleep either at my feet or curled around my head. Then it’s fine. I’m also well aware that I kind of can’t already complain about comfort. I’m just beginning to show now, and I am going to be HUGE. Huge, I tell you!

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