Friday, October 15, 2010

Week 19


Had the big 20 week ultrasound, a few days early. I was pretty nervous about it, just because the main reason it’s done is to look at the anatomy and measure, and scan for abnormalities and whatnot. For anyone who is not a doctor or technician, the big exciting part of this is finding out the gender. Some folks don’t want to know, they want to be surprised on the big day of birth, but I certainly wanted to know as soon as possible! Let’s hear it for technology! Yesss! Tell me what we got in there, PLEASE!

I had read a few things about babies who won’t cooperate and show The Goods, and that drinking orange juice was a surefire way to keep them buzzed and moving around a lot. So I did just that. I didn’t have that much, mind you, just a gulp or two. That may have proved to be a mistake, because the babies were like Mexican jumping beans! Insane. I couldn’t believe how much they were moving. It was so cool to feel the movement - while at the same time their little water ballet played out on the monitor in front of me. 

The technician was very sweet, and revealed that Baby A (who is closest to the “exit”) is a BOY, and Baby B, who is up a little higher, is a GIRL. Right now they are in a yin/yang position, both horizontal in my belly, for the most part. So while that might seem very zen and lovely, really it just means they can kick each other in the head as much as they like. There are, of course, placenta walls between them, but I hope they’re aware of each other somehow. I really hope they get along well together once they’re “on the outside”. Now, when they move around, I have a pretty good idea of who’s who. I LOVE this.

Unfortunately, they were so active, we didn’t get any “good” photos this time. That means no nice (easily identified) profiles. There’s one of a foot, one of a hand, a couple of the back-of-the-head view (which, at this point still looks pretty freaky) and of course the obligatory “It’s a Boy!” penis shot.

In other news, my belly button is suddenly very cavernous, where it used to just be kind of collapsed upon itself.

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