Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 20

Ahhh, week 20. What we’ve all been waiting for. Well, not really, I guess last week was the BIG news and all. But it certainly seems I keep passing these milestones, and everything is STILL JUST FINE. Meaning...that I’m REALLY GOING TO BE A MOM! OF TWINS! TWO! AT THE SAME TIME!

Jesse and I went shopping this weekend and bought the crib mattress. We have officially started buying things. And this is a little over the halfway point, so I think now is a perfect time to get serious about purchases. I’m also working on the curtains for their rooms. I’m pretty excited to have it done, it will be so cute!

I went to Powell’s last night and got a couple of books about raising twins, and also one on the Montessori method. Jesse and I are really excited about trying all the more “crunchy” ways of childrearing: co-sleeping, baby wearing, breast feeding, cloth diapers, etc. He’s building a wooden co-sleeper to fit on the side of our bed, using the crib mattress.

As far as my health is concerned, I feel great. The only problem really is I’m starting to experience this wicked heartburn I’ve heard about. It seems to come on if I’m upset about something, I’m not sure yet if it has anything to do with what I’m eating. I’m walking more and still doing prenatal yoga. I’m also feeling the babies’ movement more than ever. Sometimes the kicks are strong enough that I can feel them from the outside. I put Jesse’s hand on there the other night so he could feel them too. This is just amazing and magical. It makes me so happy!

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