Friday, October 29, 2010

Listy lists - week 21

Things I love about being pregnant:

feeling “special”
delicious anticipation of things to come
being round/not sucking in my gut for the first time in my life
feeling the little kicks in there (seriously, that’s the best part)
having other people lift heavy things for me
thinking about names
daydreaming about meeting my babies, and how I will raise them &
imagining future conversations with them
being actually kind of excited about the birth process
shopping for cute stuff like this fabric that will become their curtains

Short list of bummers about being pregnant:

no dad’s wine
no sushi (seared salmon nigiri, especially)
no foofy coffee drinks (I won’t even touch decaf, no way.)
Fiery Satanic Heartburn like hot lava in my esophagus
being paranoid about foods on the “bad” list and NEVER indulging in them
no yummy craft beer in seasonal flavors like “pumpkin spice”
no sleeping on my back (makes for spinal pain & pounding heart rate)
being uncomfortable
being winded/short of breath from doing practically nothing

(also: ask me again in the 3rd trimester, sure I will have more whining to do)

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