Saturday, November 6, 2010

Current list of favorite foods: DAIRY EDITION!

yogurt, any kind
yogurt “Parfait” from Starbucks (which is distressing since I think Starbucks is shitty, corporate & evil - but their parfaits are the best)
Bare Naked berry granola with milk
Burgerville burgers, fries and milkshakes (I try to limit these)
cottage cheese and Newman’s pretzels (together, always)
orange juice (tastes like liquid gold, incredible life-giving nirvana juice)
canned peaches
egg salad sandwiches
Hot chocolate with whipped cream

This list reflects a not-surprising lack of vegetables. Jesse is taking up the slack in that department. He’s also running every day, eschewing carbs, and totally not doing the whole “sympathy weight” thing, and often strongly suggests I share his brussels sprouts. Which I do, because I love him. And it’s a good thing, because I now outweigh him.

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